报告题目:Bound- and Positivity-Preserving Path-Conservative Central-Upwind AWENO Scheme for the Five-Equation Model of Compressible Two-Component Flows
报 告 人:王保山
报告地点: 莲花街校区惟德楼315会议室
报告人简介:王保山,中国海洋大学数学科学学院副教授,2022年博士毕业于中国海洋大学,师从Wai Sun Don教授,主要从事双曲守恒律方程的高精度数值方法研究,在SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing、Journal of Computational Physics等期刊上发表30余篇学术论文,博士学位论文《保物理约束的高精度WENO格式》获评2023年度山东省优秀博士学位论文,主持两项国家级科研项目,参与两项国家重大科技专项项目,参与Journal of Computational Physics等期刊审稿40余次。
报告内容简介:In this talk, we propose a fifth-order finite-difference bound and positivity-preserving (BP) path-conservative central-upwind alternative weighted essentially non-oscillatory (PCCU-AWENO) scheme for the five-equation model of compressible two-component flows. The proposed scheme is capable of maintaining the equilibrium near moving material interfaces, ensuring that velocity and pressure remain continuous at these interfaces. In addition, the scheme is designed to preserve the bound of volume fraction and positivity of density and internal energy: these three properties are absolutely essential for robustness of the proposed scheme. We first prove the BP property of the first-order PCCU scheme under a sufficient CFL condition and then introduce high-order BP limiters. The performance of the introduced PCCU-AWENO scheme is demonstrated on several one- and two-dimensional challenging numerical examples.